NOVEMBER | KERI @naturally_keri
Where do you live?
Favorite part about Fall?
I love the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp weather perfect for wearing jeans & a sweater and lots of hot cider!
Hummus or guacamole?
Ooh, that’s so tough! I love both! If I have to choose, I’d go with guacamole!
Favorite movie soundtrack?
I blame my three year old for this choice, haha, but currently we listen to a lot of Trolls, so the soundtrack to that movie is always in my mind, and it’s actually really fun to listen to!
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
I always save my mermaid masking for the evenings after my daughter is in bed so I can really relax & enjoy it. I often mask 2-3 times per week with this green goodness! I usually put on the mask and sit down to watch some Netflix shows with my husband & leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. It never fails to leave my skin beautifully glowing and moisturized!


October | Kiki & Stephanie from @bellabaroc
Where do you live?
K: Corona, California
S: In sunny SoCal, in Anaheim where the sun never stops shinning.
Favorite 90s jam?
K: Kriss Kross, "Jump"
S: Tamia "So Into You"
Who do you consider a female role model?
K: My Mom
S: My lovely mom and grandmother, they're both loving, caring, strong women.
Best jellybean flavour?
K: Berry Blue
S: The starburst jelly bean flavors are so good! Strawberry Starburst is my favorite
.What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
K: After a awesome week working at BellaBar, I like to end every self-care Sunday with a mermaid mask.
S: Ooooo weee! I'm so lucky to work at BellaBar and be around the best skincare. I got introduced to Leahlani Skincare and I'm in LOVEEE with the Mermaid Mask. I start with oil cleansing to remove my makeup, do a light exfoliation and then add the Mermaid Mask. I let it sit while I watch my favorite novella, once that's done I lay a hot steamy towel over my face and wipe it off. It leaves my skin so smooth and bright, I finish by moisturizing and then I'm ready for bed!
September | Marije Bergmans
Where do you live?
I live in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. It's an island in South Holland with a very rich history and many buildings built during the Golden Ages of the Netherlands.
Would you rather be able to breathe under water or fly?
Haven't we all dreamt of being able to fly? I certainly have! And although travelling would be so much easier (and more fun) if I could soar through the sky like the hero in my favourite childhood novel, I would actually prefer to be able to breathe under water. There is still so much we don't know about our oceans and seas. There's a whole world out there we haven't discovered yet. And that world is under constant pressure due to plastic waste, climate change and even tourism. I could become an advocate for the sea and its creatures. Also it would classify me as a true mermaid. I'll take gills for that anytime!-
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
A movie about my life at this moment would hardly be a bockbuster, but I hope to achieve something in life that would make it worthy of a movie. It would have to be an animated movie in which I am portrayed as a talking fox and Elizabeth Banks can do my voice-over. I think she's the perfect actrice to capture my sunny character, sense of humour, and also my direct way of communicating.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate! That's not even a question.
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
Living in the Netherlands I get soaked by rain more often than I'd like. After I come home from work or a walk with the dog when it has been pouring down, I like to throw my hair in a bun, cleanse my face, put on the Mermaid Mask, and take a hot shower. With the warm water from the shower and lovely scent of the mask I can pretend I'm in the tropics. It instantly lifts my spirits!


AUGUST | Christopher Pond | @tophcam
Where do you you?
I live in New York City
What's your go-to karaoke song?"
Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def LeppardDream
Dream vacation destination?
My dream vacation is a long week in Iceland, full of trips to the geothermal baths and nights reaching for the glimmering northern lights. I just got chills
If you could be a box of cereal what would you be?
I'd be Post's Blueberry Morning because... the name!!!
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
First and foremost, a warm bath and Sade's discography are a must! I love to throughly spritz my skin the Citrus and Citrine toner for extra glow and aromatic. Sometimes I'll add a bit of Kokoleka to a dollop of Mermaid Mask before brushing it over my face and neck. The result is chocolate covered oranges and it's as decadent as it sounds! My skin is always smooth and refreshed afterwards, and my soul is fed. My own private oasis.
JULY | Cheryl Kjm
Where do you live?
I live in sunny island Singapore, super fast paced lifestyle in this concrete jungle. I can't wait to visit Hawaii!
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Never go wrong with Peppermint Choco Chips!
What will be your Summer song this year?
It has to be Malibu by Miley Cyrus. It reminds me to slow down in life, and embrace everything in the present.
Poolside or ocean?
Hands down, the ocean. I love digging my toes into the sand, snorkelling, sunsets & surfing!
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
I use this twice a week! First I exfoliate, followed by feeding my skin the delicious smelling Mermaid Mask. While that's doing it's magic, I'd catch my favourite YouTubers on YouTube with a glass of home-brewed Kombucha. After rinsing the mask, I'd spray the Citrus and Citrine Regenerating Toner to prep myself for bedtime.


JUNE |Lauren McMullen
Where do you live?
I'm a southern gal raised in Mississippi, but I live in Georgia right now due to my husband serving in the Army. My dream is for us to get stationed in Hawaii!
Favorite month of the year?
My favorite month of the year is November because it's my birthday month. My maturity level drops big time around my birthday, and I basically celebrate all month long!
Best dessert you’ve ever made?
I would have to say the best dessert I've ever made is my caramel cake. It's a southern dessert,and most people haven't even heard of it, even here in Georgia! I believe it's more of a Mississippi dessert. Basically it's a moist, three layer butter cake with caramel icing. You cook the caramel on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once it's ready, you have to spread it onto the cake quickly before it hardens. It's tricky to make but totally worth the time. It's my husband's all timefavorite!
If you could make the sky any color other than blue, what would you choose?
If I were to change the color of the sky? PINK of course!!! I have a love for all things pink. If I could I would invite you over for a piece of that caramel cake, and you would know what I'm talking about. Basically every room has little sprinkles of pink everywhere!
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
My mermaid mask ritual is my absolute favorite! I turn on my pandora, put lavender, peace & calming, & valor pure essential oils into my diffuser so that I can breath all that goodness in and be fully relaxed. I then jump in the shower and let my pores open up. In my beautiful ritual bowl from Leahlani, I mix my mermaid mask with a pump of siren serum. While my face is still a little damp I gently massage it onto my face. I usually then apply lotion all over while my mask is sitting and give myself a mini manicure. After about 15-30 minutes I take off my mask, and my skin feels amazing! Afterwards I spritz my face with my bohemian ruby balancing toner as well as massage a tiny bit of bless beauty balm as my moisturizer. Lastly, I paint my fingernails, and once they are dry it feels like I have been to the spa ;) I love taking the time to take care of my skin with the help of Leahlani SkinCare 💛
MAY | Meg
Where do you live?
I live in beautiful British Columbia, in the Okanagan Valley to be specific. I’ve always wanted to live near an ocean, but Lake Okanagan is pretty great too.
Coffee or tea?
Tea! Hands down, 100%! Coffee has zero affect on me so, although I love the smell of coffee beans, I see no point drinking it. I am particularly fond of green tea.
If you were an essential oil, which one would you be?
This one’s tough because I'm just getting into essential oils, so I’d have to say the one I’m most familiar with: lavender. Lavender oil can be used so many different ways, so that kind of suits me since I'm always multitasking. I could also do with a little calming so, lavender helps.
If you could live in any period of history, when would it be?
How did you know my university major is history?! I have always had a thing for the Tudors so Tudor England is an obvious choice for me. Although, as one of my favourite professors always says, maybe I could live in a bubble because… the plague wasn't so great.
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
Ideally I run myself a hot, steamy bubble bath, apply a nice thick layer of Mermaid Mask, turn on some Netflix, and soak for 30+ minutes. The steam really helps my skin absorb the magical green goodness, especially since the climate where I live is obviously not as tropical as Hawaii. If I don’t have time for a bath, I make sure to at least steam my face with a hot facecloth first. When it comes to the Mermaid, I’ve found that the longer I can spend with her the better. I can’t recall a time that my skin has felt healthier than right after I rinse her off. Pure bliss.


APRIL | Jessie
MARCH | Jordan Olmos


Where do you live?
Charlotte, NC
What’s the #1 most played song on your iTunes?
'Doo Wop (That Thing)' by Lauryn Hill
What SATC girl are you?
I've never watched it. But if there's a girl that eats donuts and drinks coffee while petting a dog, I'm that one.
Tell me 5 things that I'd see when I walk through your front door?
You'd see the cutest pup come to greet you, her fur dust bunnies on the floor, Friends on Netflix, a cup of coffee and a ton of green beauty products all over my kitchen table.
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
Glass of wine in my hand, mermaid mask on my face and watching someone find 'love' on the most dramatic season of the bachelor/bachelorette yet.
Where do you live?
I live in the land of the long white cloud! Aotearoa/New Zealand.
What celebrities do you get mistaken for?
I've been told i look like Kendall Jenner, it must be the dark features and shy nature. Oh and My grandma used to always say i reminded her of Penelope Cruz.
Favorite snack to eat at the movies?
It has to be Peanut MnMs and definitely a frozen coke! Cannot forget the frozen coke ☺️ lol.
Lipstick or lipgloss?
Lipstick! Bright red or a deep maroon colour.
What does your Mermaid Mask ritual look like?
My mermaid mask ritual starts with a gentle exfloliation using Kalima. I then apply a generous amount of mermaid mask (cant help myself it's so good) and take my time letting it soak in either reading a book or watching a fav programme with my boo (who sometimes joins in). Can't forget to throw on my mermaid blanket to complete the look! After I rinse off, on goes a dollop of bless or a pump of siren and voila! This Mermaid is ready for sweet dreams.


Where do you live?
I live smack dab in the middle of Tennessee, in a city called Murfreesboro!
What's your favourite 90's jam?
Hands down, my all time favorite 90's jam: "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys.
What's your favourite Ben & Jerry's ice-cream flavor?
Favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor is Chocolate Therapy. It's dangerously good. I swear it tastes better right out of the carton too, no bowl necessary.
Funniest thing that happened to you recently?
The funniest thing to happen to me recently... Our family celebrated Thanksgiving over the weekend and after the celebration we were packing up my moms car with all the leftovers and decoration. As soon as she got home and turned the car off we heard a loud fizzing sound, as if a tire was losing air pretty rapidly! We got out of the car and looked around but all the tires seemed fine. So as we started to unpack the vehicle, we noticed a spray can of whipped topping had been knocked over and was being sprayed all into her floor board! That's where the noise was coming from!!!
What does your mermaid mask ritual look like?
And lastly, my mermaid mask ritual begins after a long day at work. I take all my make up off, then wash my face & exfoliate with Honey Love. I let her soak into my skin for a few minutes then I rinse. I then apply a good amount of the mermaid mask and grab my favorite book for a little me time while the mask does it's magic! This helps me to unwind after a long day :) I can't wait to have more Leahlani Products so I can expand and customize my ritual!
NOVEMBER | Ulrika Moberg
Where do you live?
I live in the (currently) very dark and gloomy Stockholm, Sweden. Thankfully I have Leahlani products to brighten my days with!
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
After thinking long and hard, I came to the conclusion that I would be the yellow crayon. Regardless of what you are drawing, the yellow crayon will always be used to draw a big and happy sun in the top left corner. You can also draw a great big lemon, which can be very sour. Those two kind of represent my most common moods. Either bright and sunny or sour and bitter.
Leonardo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt?Brad Pitt!
I'm more of a "Interview with the vampire" person than a "Titanic" person, and "Meet Joe Black" will always have a special place in my heart..
What is your favorite flavor of jellybean?
Buttered popcorn all the way!
What’s your Mermaid Mask ritual?
I use it as "dessert", the sweet smell makes it a perfect after dinner treat! And its great for your body as well since you put it on your face instead of in your mouth. I like to start with a clay mask to pull out all the bad stuff, and follow up with Mermaid Mask to feed my skin lots of good stuff instead. I then proceed to plop down on either my couch or my bed, and leave the mask on for as much as two whole episodes of Downton Abbey. The hardest thing is to get up and wash it off, as I'm never really ready to get off my own little cloud nine. The glowy skin underneath totally makes it worth the effort, though ;)


OCTOBER | Nic Imai Gustafsson
Where do you live?
Stockholm, Sweden.
What do you enjoying doing?
I love reading up on anything green beauty, traveling abroad, hanging out with family and friends (the former I do a lot on FaceTime so I can be part of my munchkin nephews' lives!), cuddling with Saskia and mermaid masking (what else!).
What inspires you?
Most definitely the sky. I've mentioned this a lot on various social media platforms and if you follow me on IG you won't escape a sky picture or 3 where I gush about its beauty and inspiration. It gives me hope and fills up my soul like nothing else...and I'm often awed by it.(Check out Nic's amazing sky photos on Instagram @caprinic, they're gorgeous!)
What is your mermaid masking ritual?
Oh gosh, where do I start! I mostly mask on Mondays (of course!) and just knowing that I have that ritual to look forward to in the evening already helps make Mondays more bearable! Depending on my mood I'll lay low and just mask but I have been known to act out little video sketches on IG with songs that just seem to pop into my head from my many masking sessions to date. Latest one was 'Simply The Best' by Tina Turner because the Mermaid Mask is, well, just simply the best! I've also serenaded it a capella if anyone is in doubt of my love for it ;) I must admit I don't follow Leah's advice of 5 minutes though...i keep that baby for as long as it will take me to become a mermaid! I'll usually keep it on for about 45 minutes, letting it work its magic while I eat dinner, catch up on some reading, watch tv, drink some wine and whatever else you might find me doing on a Monday evening :)