Adaptogens For Vibrant Living.
Today we’re happy to introduce you to the lovely Liz Smithers as she shares an introduction to adaptogens and the important role these herbs play in our daily lives. Adaptogens are making a big name for themselves in the world of wellness and we think 2017 is going to be their year!
Liz is the girl-boss behind @elikeaton, a company creating spirited food rooted in plant chemistry and elevated apothecary staples. She lives on Kauai and uses adaptogenic herbs to create the most delicious bioavailable nut butters ever! It was such a treat to talk high-vibe living with her and learn why so many people are turning to these ancient herbs for stress-management, glowing skin, increased libido, and more.
“Fueling yourself with proper plant life provisions goes beyond inner and outer beauty + self love + stronger bodies. It connects you back to this earth and strengthens our universal intuition. Use more plants + mimic their vitality so that you can be a gift that keeps on giving.” –Liz Smithers
Forgetting where you left your keys or that your clothes have been in the washer machine for two days is only funny for so long. Our minds and bodies are constantly in motion far beyond levels that evolution may not have even imagined. Just as anything, circumstances change with time and we are forced to adapt. The power of the human mind and its ability to create, innovate, and scavenge for solutions are most definitely something to write home about. And get lost in psychedelic thought for possibly too long! But sometimes we come across limitations and blockages to our utmost potential simply because of lack of potent substance. Humans, consciously or not, have a synergistic bondage to the earth and everything that happens within it. Oh, and the world is not ending. The world is trying to wake us up a little bit before we completely wipe ourselves out from metabolic overload, non-stop stressors, and destructive doings. It is no coincidence that plant-based living and natural everything has seeped its way into our markets, homes, and bellies…kicking the artificial world to the curb.
Adaptogens are a class of herbs that modulate the stress response depending on what our bodies need at that time. They lubricate + remodel our insides cell by cell. They offer whole-body support and allow our body to efficiently digest and assimilate nutrients that inevitably feed our body and brain. Anxiety attacks will soon be a thing of the past as these plants organically elevate our mood so that we stay living in the present moment. The present moment is our most efficient moment, and we humans love some efficiency. Adaptogens are non-toxic and safe for everyone to use, serving as the perfect starting point for those of you trying to sneak some real boosters into your home. These herbs have the power to activate parts of our brain that most of the food within the Western market have actually kept dormant the past 20+ years. We are finally free to return to a state of harmony with the earth and everyone in it.
If you haven’t heard…fat is back and is one of the most efficient forms of delivery when consuming adaptogenic herbs. Consuming these herbs with high quality fat such as avocado or bioavailable nut butter + nut milks is a surefire way to take your whole system on a magic carpet ride. They gently enter, scavenge for spots in your body that need some TLC and start plumbing your system one cell at a time. Quality over quantity has never been so real, and it is safe to say that most of your daily supplements could be replaced forever with a specialized dose of adaptogenic herbs. They harmonize our system so we can eat less but have more energy. Better workouts with even faster recovery time. Oh, and low libido is so yesterday. Their circulatory powers nourish the sexual center so that all areas of the body get the hot-hot heat they deserve. Even if you have been eating and living not so stellar the past few weeks, or months, or ten years!...adaptogens have been scientifically proven to return your body back to a state of equilibrium.
Start by taking small doses of about 2 grams, regularly, over a couple of weeks. They can be very potent to a toxic system so be sure to spoon the magic slow into your creations. Taking them alongside high quality fat as well as low-glycemic forms of sugar helps the potency seep right into your blood stream and muscle tissue, having almost immediate effects on the brain and body. No more weekend ruining mood swings or loss of interest in life...adaptogens are plaguing our society with a vicious virus of love, creativity, sexual vigor, and rejuvenation. All aboard.
They are non toxic
They lower stress + anxiety
They boost brain power
The boost libido
They stimulate digestion
Offer liver and kidney support and detoxification
Oxygenate the body and brain
Tone the muscles and boost endurance
Build healthy levels of blood
Spark creativity
Harmonize your taste buds so you lose cravings
Nourish the connective tissue and offer skin cell regeneration
Offer gentle ongoing detoxification when taken regularly
Help radiance filter through
Thank you Liz! We can't wait to start including these herbs in our diet and increasing our aloha-glow on a cellular level. Be sure to check out Eli Keaton's bioavailable nut butters. They are seriously delicious (and addictive)! We hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as we enjoyed talking with Liz. Cheers to a balanced and beautiful year ahead!
Check out Liz gorgeous Instagram @elikeaton and her website at and make sure to make yourself a Blue Majik Ice Cream (because Mermaid Food!).
[Photos from]